Transmissor ASK integrado de ultra-baixo consumo
Modulador ASK, Transistor, IOTResumo
With the rise of technology and the advancement of communication between devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) has made this connection possible in a precise manner. As a consequence of this advancement, the increasing generation of data to be stored grows proportionally, requiring increasingly efficient processing and sampling in order to effectively keep up with this growth. In domestic or industrial environments, the IoT is present through applications of communication between devices in an automated manner, facilitating the operation of the system. This connectivity has resulted in an increase of approximately 85% in the area of the industry focused on chip manufacturing, which has improved its production of integrated circuits every day as a way of guaranteeing the efficiency of the production chain and technological advancement. In order for communication between devices to be possible, signal modulation operations occur so that information can be transmitted, and one of the techniques used to perform these operations is ASK (Amplitude Shift-Keying) modulation, which consists of amplitude shift keying that will convert a digital signal (Bit 0 or 1) into an analog signal. The ASK modulator is frequently used in telecommunications projects, such as short-distance data transmission systems, as it makes it possible to send signals with a desired frequency through switching, in addition to using less bandwidth compared to other techniques, making it a viable option for radio transmissions and remote control systems. There are some topologies that can be applied in the structuring of an ASK, some using transistors, capacitors, diodes, resistors or ICs. However, with the arrival of the IoT, it is necessary for devices to be portable and low-power, requiring an increasingly simplified topology. That said, the objective of this work is to verify how changing the W and L variables of the transistor component of the NMOS manufacturing topology affects the operation of the ASK modulator, that is, the quality of the signal that will be sent to a demodulator device and to the 2.4 GHz band, which is a band commonly used in IoT applications. From this, with the change of the variables, W and L, it is necessary to find a balance between the variations in order to guarantee low consumption and the effectiveness of the modulator, since if there was a considerable increase in the value of W, there is an increase in energy consumption and a reduction in the switching speed and, consequently, with the decrease of L, there are significant effects on the channel, increasing the leakage current and noise. In addition, this work is dedicated to the use of open source tools, such as ASITIC, XSchem and Ngspice.