


Zea mays L. Phenology. Degrees-days.


Specific cultivars for production of green corn, more productive and adapted to the conditions of each region, combined with adequate population density, can increase the yield of the crop. This work aimed to identify, under different plant densities, the cultivars with agronomic characteristics for the production of green corn. The experiment was conducted from March to June 2018, in the experimental area of the Technical College of Teresina, at the Federal University of Piauí. The treatments were distributed in a randomized block design, in a factorial scheme, with three plant densities (40,000, 50,000 and 60,000 plants ha-1) and two corn cultivars (AG 1051 and BRS 3046). The variables evaluated were the diameter and length of the commercial green ear, the yield, the percentage of commercial green ear and the length of the period between the emergence (VE) and the flowering stage (VT) of the cultivars in relation to the accumulated number of degree-days (ADD). In terms of cycle (period between VE and VT), the hybrid AG 1051 was later, with 47 days after emergence (DAE) and 823.23 ADD, than the BRS 3046 (44 DAE and 773.32 ADD); however, there was an acceleration of the period of vegetative development in the hybrids, which ranged from 43 (773.32 ADD) to 47 (828.23 ADD) days, respectively, so that there was male flowering. With the increase in densities, there was decrease in the values of production. The highest yield of commercial ears (15.45 Mg ha-1) was obtained at a density of 50,000 plants ha-1.



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