
  • Eliakin Frederico Rafain Nucleus for Studies of Soils and Agricultural Machinery, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Sertão, RS
  • João Edson Gubiani Ecophysiology and Weed Management Group, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Sertão, RS
  • David Peres da Rosa Nucleus for Studies of Soils and Agricultural Machinery, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Sertão, RS
  • Anderson Luis Nunes Ecophysiology and Weed Management Group, Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Sertão, RS



Spacing between rows. Soil fertility. Yield components. Weed incidence.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects sowing systems and fertilizer application systems on the incidence of weeds and on yield components in soybean crops. Two experiments were conducted in soils with different fertility levels. An experimental design in split-plot was used; the plots consisted of four sowing systems: crossed sowing (0.45×0.45 m), and spacings between rows of 0.35 m, 0.175 m, and 0.45 m; and the subplots consisted of fertilizer application systems: application in the sowing row, broadcast fertilizer application at sowing, and no fertilizer application. The variables evaluated were: grain yield, 1000-grain weight, and weed incidence at 30 and 50 days after sowing (DAS). The weed incidence at 30 DAS was lower when using spacing between rows of 0.45 m, which was correlated with the lower turning of the soil surface layer. The plant spacing between rows of 0.175 m resulted in a lower competition with weeds at 50 DAS and in a higher shading, generating higher grain yields. The fertilizer application in the sowing row resulted in a higher grain yield and 1000-grain weight. The sowing system affects the weed population dynamics, which directly affects the grain yield of soybean crops.



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