Mineral nutrition. Fertigation. Protected environment. Solanum melongena L..Abstract
Fertilization is important for the optimization of plant growth and yield, which are necessary for agronomic activities. Soil fertilization should increase net earnings that depend on nutrient use efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of eggplant under different doses of potassium (K) and nitrogen (N). Four levels of K (0, 54, 108, and 216 kg ha-1) and four levels of N (0, 67, 134, and 268 kg ha-1) were applied weekly by fertigation. The highest plant and the largest stem diameter were found with 165–175 kg ha-1 of N. Leaf area was more influenced by N than by K. Isolated application of different K doses did not statistically influence height plant, stem diameter, or leaf dry matter. The agronomic efficiency of nitrogen is reduced with increasing levels of N and K.Downloads
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