Phaseolus vulgaris L.. Combined selection. Indirect selection. Pearson’s correlation.Abstract
The development of common bean cultivars with early cycle, upright plant architecture, and high grain yield represents marketing advantages to bean farmers. This study aimed to evaluate whether common bean inbred lines differ for phenological, plant architecture, and grain yield traits; analyze the correlations between these traits; and select early and upright common bean lines with high grain yield. To this end, 14 common bean inbred lines were evaluated in two growing seasons in Santa Maria – RS, Brazil. Common bean inbred lines showed significant differences for all traits, except for insertion of the first pod and length of the fourth and fifth internodes. The four superior common bean lines selected by the multiplicative index were CNFP 10794, CNFC 10762, DF 06-09, and BRS Valente. CNFP 10794 presents earliness (flowering and cycle), upright plant architecture (lower values of general adaptation score, lodging, and stay-green phenotype) and high grain yield (higher values of number of pods per plant, number of grains per plant, mass of 100 grains, and grain yield). Mass of 100 grains showed a positive correlation with grain yield (r= 0.68). The indirect selection using mass of 100 grains is of intermediate efficiency to increase grain yield in common bean. CNFP 10794 presents earliness, upright plant architecture, and high grain yield and will be selected for the breeding program.Downloads
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