REACTION OF BANANA CULTIVARS TO THE Meloidogyne javanica X Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense COMPLEX




Musa spp.. Fusarium wilt. Root-knot nematodes. Interaction. Panama disease.


The interaction Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) x nematode and the genetic variability of Foc are the main problems with potential to affect the use of resistant varieties in the management of the Panama disease. The objective of this work was to evaluate the interaction between Foc and Meloidogyne javanica on the banana of the Prata Anã, Grande Naine and BRS Princesa cultivars. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, with six treatments and ten replications, which differed in the inoculation time of each pathogen. Simultaneous inoculation with Foc and M. javanica, inoculation with Foc one week before inoculation with M. javanica, and inoculation with M. javanica one week before inoculation with Foc. In addition to the controls, Foc isolated, M. javanica isolated, and cultivars without the pathogens. The seedlings were transplanted in 3-liter pots with sterile soil infested with 40 grams of Foc inoculum at the concentration of 1x106CFU/gram and 1000 eggs and J2 of M. javanica. At the end of 56 days, the treatments with 'Grande Naine' presented the highest reproduction factors of M. javanica. In the 'Prata Anã' no interaction was observed between Foc x M. javanica. The treatments with simultaneous inoculation of the two pathogens, and with Foc a week before, in the 'BRS Princesa', presented the highest external disease indices (DI), which promoted the highest AUDPC. The highest internal DI were observed in the treatments Foc+Mj+Grande Naine, Foc+Mj+BRS Princesa, Mj+Grande Naine+Foc and Foc+BRS Princesa+Mj. The simultaneous presence of M. javanica and Foc increases the severity of the Panama disease in Grande Naine and BRS Princesa cultivars.


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