Agronomic potential and genetic divergence in the selection of mungbean lines in tropical floodplains
Vigna radiata. Breeding programs. Clustering. Dissimilarity.Abstract
Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) is a Fabaceae species cultivated in several regions in Brazil. In Tocantins state, however, the few cultivars available are not indicated for the region, making it essential to select and subsequently recommend new cultivars. This study aimed to assess the agronomic potential and genetic divergence of mungbean lines to support the development of cultivars adapted to tropical floodplain conditions in Tocantins. Two trials were conducted in a randomized block design with four replications under tropical floodplain conditions, in the municipalities of Lagoa da Confusão and Formoso do Araguaia, Tocantins, Brazil. A total of 18 mungbean lines and two cultivars were studied. Were evaluated pod weight, pod length, number of grains per pod, 100-grain weight, grain yield, and grain index. Lines BRA-O84883 and BRA-O84654-1, with grain yields of 1,415.4 and 1,408.8 kg ha⁻¹, respectively, exhibited high productivity, good results for the number of grains per pod and grain index, and were quite similar. Grain yield contributed most to genetic dissimilarity between the lines, with BRA-084638 and BRA-084794 the most divergent. To generate high genetic variability in segregating populations for future selection, it is recommended that crosses between lines BRA-084654-1 and BRA-O84883 and the cultivars BRS Esperança and BRS MG Camaleão, which combine genetic divergence and high grain yield, be part of mungbean breeding for cultivation in tropical floodplains in Tocantins, Brazil.
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