Lima bean responses to high temperatures in natural and controlled environments




Phaseolus lunatus. Abiotic stress. Floral abscission. High temperature tolerance. Pearson correlation.


Effects of abiotic stresses, such as high temperature, on plants are exacerbated by climate change. Lima beans exhibit higher tolerance to high temperatures than the common beans. Understanding the tolerance of lima bean landrace germplasm to high temperatures is important to improve their breeding. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to examine the high temperature responses of lima bean landrace varieties obtained from the Phaseolus Germplasm Bank at Universidade Federal do Piauí (BGP-UFPI, Brazil) in two environments. Five landraces showing the best performance in emission of flowers and number of pods formed (UFPI-945, UFPI-1037, UFPI-876, UFPI-1036, and UFPI-1064) were evaluated in two cultivation environments, natural (29 ºC) and controlled (37 ºC), using a completely randomized design with four replications, with each plot consisting of a single plant. Analysis of variance and Tukey’s test (P < 0.05) were performed for 12 quantitative traits, followed by Pearson’s correlation analysis. Lima beans exhibited genetic variability in high temperature tolerance in both natural and controlled environments. Specifically, UFPI-1064 exhibited superior performance with higher pod thickness and width and number of flowers and lower flower and pod abortion than the other varieties in both natural and controlled environments. Pearson's correlation analysis revealed positive and strong correlations between the number of flowers and flower abortion in the natural environment and number of pods and seeds per pod in the controlled environment.


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