Morphophysiological and nutritional responses in maize hybrids competing with Digitaria insularis




Zea mays. Competitive ability. Sourgrass.


This study aimed to evaluate the competitive interaction between maize hybrids in the presence of Digitaria insularis through experiments in a series of substitutions. The experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with four replicates. Six maize hybrids were used, and the plant density of maize and D. insularis hybrids was set for constant final production of 463 plants m-2. Competition had a detrimental effect on plant growth in both species. Competition and demand for environmental resources were the same for maize hybrids competing with D. insularis. Digitaria insularis had a negative effect on the physiological characteristics of maize hybrids, regardless of the plant density in the association. The hybrids showed greater relative growth than the weed. However, the increase in weed density decreased the nutrient concentration, especially P and K, in maize hybrids. There was competition between maize and D. insularis for the same resources in the environment. Interspecific competition was more pronounced for nutrients N, P, and K, whereas intraspecific competition was more pronounced for Ca and Mg.


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