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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Attach all required documents AT
    I - Proof of payment; INTERNATIONAL ARTICLES

    International articles will have to pay a submission fee and a publication fee plus bank charges:

    Fee for Money Order submissions
    Exchange rate
    Exchange contract
    The amount of the fees will be informed by Revista Caatinga's financial department when payment is requested.
    II - The appointment of the ad hoc evaluators;
    III - Register all the authors (mandatory information: Full name without abbreviations, Institution, country and email). Please note: A maximum of 8 (eight) authors will be accepted per article submitted.
    IV - Article in accordance with the rules of the Caatinga Journal.

  • All authors have registered and authenticated their ORCID at the submission stage.

  • The authors agree to the terms proposed by Revista Caatinga, regarding authorship, responsibility and publication.

  • The files for submission follow the rules proposed by Revista Caatinga, are in Microsoft Word (DOC) format and no file is larger than 2MB;

  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses a 12-point font; with figures and tables inserted in the text, not at the end and a maximum of 30 references. Note: Supplementary material and/or annexes are not allowed.

  • All the web page addresses (URLs) included in the text (e.g. are active and ready to click on;

  • The identification of authorship of this work has been removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criteria if submitted for peer review;

  • The authors have taken note of all the general observations related to electronic submission, available at:

  • The authors have carefully observed the standards and all the proposed models;
  • There will be constant monitoring of the work submitted; IF the journal's rules are not strictly followed, the work will not be processed.

  • The corresponding author declares on behalf of the other authors, for the purposes of submission to the Caatinga Journal, published by the Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid - UFERSA, that the article is original, unpublished and has not been submitted to another journal, as well as expressing agreement with the Submission and Editorial Policy, Guidelines for Publication and Copyright Declaration, which will apply in the event of publication of the aforementioned work.

  • The corresponding author declares on behalf of the other authors that they HAVE NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST of a personal, commercial, academic, political or financial nature in the manuscript.

Author Guidelines

This section defines the general procedural rules and special specifications for Revista Caatinga. These are guidelines that define the standards adopted by this journal, with regard to the policies and conditions adopted, text formatting standards, bibliographic standards and other important criteria. Some guidelines have their own item in the journal's navigation bar and there are links to them whenever necessary, in order to encourage and increase readers' interest in the work and the entire submission process.




Articles are only submitted electronically via the OJ/SEER platform and can be SUBMITTED in Portuguese or English. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors. When submitting electronically, please note the following items:

*Registration and login

The registration of the responsible author (corresponding author) is MANDATORY for submitting articles online and monitoring the processing of the submitted article. It is also mandatory for all authors to register in the system. When submitting a paper to Revista Caatinga, authors must read, accept and mark as fulfilled each condition for submission that is requested of them, before proceeding with the submission. Some conditions are detailed in: About > Submissions > Guidelines for Authors > Conditions for Submission.


*Payment of fees

All the explanations about the payment of fees can be found at the following link:



Part that identifies what the article is intended for; must be defined at the time of submission, by the corresponding author, when requested from the OJ/SEER platform.


* Submission Metadata:

Mandatory item. It must be duly completed, with the authors' full names (in the same order as they will appear in the article, if approved), e-mails, institutional address specifying the Unit (Center, Department, etc.) to which they belong, orcid authentication and, in the URL location, insert the link to the author's Lattes.


*Supplementary Documents:

Item to be filled in at the time of submission. However, the following documents are MANDATORY as “Supplementary Documents”, the absence of which will result in the manuscript not being processed or even archived:

The nomination of the ad hoc evaluators, which is mandatory, must have at least 6 (six) nominations specifying the researcher's full name; institution of origin, e-mail and the link to the researcher's Lattes CV; and, for foreign evaluators, all the information minus the CV.

Lattes. ATTENTION: The evaluator cannot be from the same institution as the authors or be part of the submitted article.
Register all authors in the system.
Validate/authenticate ORCID at the time of submission.




Copyright Declaration

In the submission process, via the OJ/SEER platform, authors agree to the terms proposed by Revista Caatinga; it refers to the granting of the right of first publication, as well as other specifications.

Declaration of Authorship and Responsibility and Conflict of Interest

In the submission process, via the OJ/SEER platform, the authors declare that the work submitted is in agreement with the terms proposed by Revista Caatinga, of authorship in the work and of responsibility in the construction of the study, specifying their contribution. The authors also declare that there is no conflict of interest and that the evaluators have registered a conflict of interest in each evaluation carried out on the evaluation form. AUTHORS must disclose any potential conflict of interest at the time of submission.



*Presentation and Preparation of the Manuscript

The manuscript must be submitted in accordance with the rules of this journal. You can find this in the Navigation bar: Documentation - Presentation and Preparation of the Manuscript, all users will have access to these standards.

This material contains all the references needed to adapt the manuscript to the standards adopted by the journal Caatinga. The criteria for formatting the manuscript are presented, such as file size and fonts used, information on the number of authors and their identification within the article. All the rules relating to bibliographical references and citations, drawn up in accordance with ABNT NBR 6023/2002 and ABNT NBR 10520/2002, respectively, adopted by this journal, are also given.



Revista Caatinga will always communicate with the authors about any change in the status of the submitted manuscript and any type of decision; however, it will be up to the corresponding author to follow the entire editorial flow of the submitted manuscript on the OJ/SEER platform, once they have the password to access it. Additional information about the manuscript can and should be sought through other forms of contact with this journal, via e-mail or telephone.



Authorship presupposes participation in the preparation of the article. For authorship to be recognized, the contribution must be defined;


Due to the specific nature of the field, some papers may require authors and evaluators to declare whether there is any possibility of a conflict of interest in relation to the research. For evaluators, it is sufficient to state this on the evaluation form. For authors, they must state whether there are any personal, commercial, academic, political or financial conflicts of interest in the manuscript. By means of a declaration, as specified at



The sources of funding are all those that finance or provide support for the study; they can be public or private. If there is a funding source, the authors must inform and thank them; this is done at the time of submission, in a specific item that can be filled in on the OJ/SEER platform. Otherwise, the authors must state, still on the platform, that the research was not funded.



Authors will have access to the entire “Peer Review” process. The corresponding author will have access to the processing of the manuscript; they will be able to follow the entire editorial flow on the OJ/SEER platform.


Acknowledgments, if any, should appear in the body of the manuscript, right after the 'Conclusions'. They should be composed of simple text, just one paragraph, in which the authors express their thanks to the collaborator(s).



Plagiarism is the act of presenting, in whole or in part, as one's own work, the work of another. In plagiarism, the credit that would have been due to the 'original' author of the work is taken. It refers to intellectual work of any kind, including plagiarism of scientific research publications.

It is considered a crime of copyright infringement under the Brazilian Penal Code and Law 9610/98. We suggest that authors make sure that the manuscript follows all the rules proposed by the anti-plagiarism policy and point out that this journal goes through plagiarism detection; all the members involved in the processing of the manuscript, such as the Editorial Committee and Evaluators, carry out a thorough analysis and may identify plagiarism; in this case, the submission will be rejected and archived immediately; subsequently, the authors will be informed.



Aurélio Paes Barros Junior (Editor-in-Chief)
Ana Lúcia dos Santos (Finance Department)

Telephone: 55 (84) 3317-8297

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.