This activity was thought and elaborated with the goal of showing a proposal of work, with the utilization of a software, to a group of teachers, during a postgraduate course, “Math and New Technologies”, they are in a process of changing their posture up their students, making them to reflect about their teaching practice in the moment that the focus in the education is not to develop reading skills, writing or basic calculation anymore. The used resources were: GeoGebra software, block of activities, a computer and a multimedia projector. They were applied in two moments to different groups with the purpose of better evaluate the obtained results. Initially in a public school in Salvador – Bahia with 5 students from the 2nd grade of the high school and subsequently with 2 math teachers, from public schools. The applied methodology was based in the resolution of the problem where the investigative posture by all involved will always exist. The experiences mentioned were enriching to analyze concepts and definitions based in a mathematic model reconstructed from an object that makes part of the student’s reality.
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