Veterinary assistance and knowledge of farmers about antimicrobials in Goiás, Brazil




The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of veterinary care on milk production and quality variables in rural properties of Goiás. The objective was also to verify the farmers' knowledge on antimicrobials. A total of 132 farms were visited in the state of Goiás, where interviews were carried out in order to characterize the farm, the influence of veterinary assistance on productive and sanitary aspects, and the way antimicrobials were used. Pearson's chi-square test (χ2) was used to verify the dependency or independence of variables. It was verified that 55.3% of the farms had dairy production below 250 L per day. However, 60.2% of the total milk produced on the 132 farms visited came from only 15 farms (11.4%), with production above 1,000 L per day. Veterinary assistance was present in 56% of the farms and a significant association was identified between veterinary assistance and the variables: type of farm (p = 0.025), husbandry system (p = 0.015), number of milkings per day (p = 0.0007), daily production per cow (p = 0.0006), and antimicrobial prescription (p < 0.0001). The farmers know that milk with antimicrobial residues must be discarded; however, they do not do it properly. Farms with lower average daily production per cow showed higher use of antimicrobials on their own initiative (p = 0.02). With urgency, the expansion of technical assistance and training of farmers regarding milk production is required to prevent risks associated with public health in Goiás.



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