The use of smoke in the control of the defensive behavior of tiuba bees




The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of smoke from different plant products on the defensive behavior of tiuba bees (Melipona compressipes fasciculata Smith, 1854). The experiment was carried out in a meliponary with 12 colonies with equity regarding the biological development. The following treatments were applied to the colonies weekly: smokeless, sawdust (100% of the smoker), eucalyptus (50%) + sawdust (50%) and sawdust with 2 suber fragments, the dry bark of Amburana cearensis (Allemão) A.C.Sm.. Regarding the development of the colonies, it was observed that the use of smoke did not change the number of brood cells nor the number of pollen and honey storage cells in the colonies. Regarding the number of bees adhering to gloves and headband, it was observed that colonies managed without smoke were more defensive compared to the other ones (p ≤ 0,05). It was concluded that the use of smoke (100% sawdust in the smoker) decreased the defensive behavior of tiuba bees, being an alternative in the meliponiculture management since it does not interfere negatively in the colonies development of the colonies.


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